January 31, 2021
As Believers, we hear all the time that we are to live our lives by Grace through faith. However, some never receive the full explanation or understanding of what this really means. Well, let’s start by grabbing hold of a clear concept of what faith really is. According to Hebrews 11:1, faith is substance. It is not just substance, but “The” substance of everything that we hope for and the evidence of the things that we do not or cannot see! This substance comes by way of your confidence and your persuasion.
Faith is the fundamental truth of God’s existence. Our faith is our foundation, our fixed agreement and exercising faith right now is what causes us to take possession of our expectations and brings them into reality. Faith is all the confirmation that you need to prove what is unseen! Jesus is the Person of Grace or the Agent by which we are able to receive salvation and become Citizens of the Kingdom of God. Since faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, whenever we make a decision to equip ourselves with the Word of God, It becomes injected and engrafted into our mind, thereby affecting our will, our emotions, and our decisions. Grace gives you access to Heaven and your faith allows all of the promises of God to flow to the earth. Faith is the channel by which the promises of God are manifested in your life. So you must never consider present challenges in your life and you must reject unbelief or distrust. Begin to see as God sees. Get a scripture with the picture or promise that God has shown you, believe, and it shall come to pass! You must move the Kingdom Agenda forward by faith!
I thank You for allowing Jesus, the Person of Grace to make it possible for me to obtain your promises through my faith and confidence in Him. I have the Spirit of God living on the inside of me, therefore, I speak the Word of God over my life and over the life of my family no matter what I may be faced with. Your Word will take the shape and form of that which I speak and It will not return unto me cancelled or empty! I will have whatsoever I say!
I am fully persuaded and I will not allow unbelief or distrust to cause me to waver. I declare uninterrupted flow of Your Grace and Your Glory over my life! Thank You Lord that I can get up day after day in the power of your might knowing that every answer I need is found in You, knowing that my life is wrapped up in You and has been sealed with the Holy Spirit. I declare that I am well able to receive all of the amazing promises that you have made available for me and to me!
In Jesus Name,