The Bible is the written infallible Word of God inspired by God.
There is one true and living God, existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
In the deity of Jesus, Who is the Son of God, Who was born a virgin birth, He was crucified, died and buried, His body was resurrected and He ascended to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
All can be cleansed of their sins and receive salvation through repentance and faith in the blood of Jesus Christ and Him only.
The born again Believer is stamped with a seal with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of inheritance of living completely free and protected by God.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues is given to Believers who ask for it. In water baptism by immersion in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Divine healing, deliverance, restoration, and miracles are possible for those that Believe.
We should live as Christ as Christ is formed in us, as we behold the Word of God as if in a mirror, resulting in transformation from glory to glory, demonstrating the power and Spirit of God all the while making Jesus Christ famous to all the world.
The church body is a community of Believers who gather together with the same mindset and the same attitude as Christ pushing the Kingdom Agenda forward as we transform the world and manifest the Kingdom of God.
In the sowing of tithes and offering to your local church and expectation and evidence of harvest.
Our vision is to teach Believers to live as Kingdom Citizens on earth just as it is in Heaven, by making God’s Word their final authority and live a life of wholeness and freedom. We intently pursue becoming Love as we become who Jesus is, bodies wholly and fully flooded with God Himself, as we express the image of Christ here on earth pushing the Kingdom Agenda forward solely dependent upon and guided by the Spirit of God.
At The KOHCI, our mission is to equip and empower a community of Believers to transform their thinking into a Kingdom mindset, live as Kingdom citizens by making the Word of God their final authority and apply the Word of God daily in every area of life. We are dedicated to developing strong leaders to boldly and confidently go into the entire world and transform it as they manifest the Kingdom of Heaven, demonstrating the Spirit and power of God, unwavering in their identity built up in Christ as Champions of Christ's victory.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. The Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.
The Kingdom of Heaven is a place where the Spirit of God resides. It is the Word of God ruling in our hearts.
We believe that in the Kingdom of Heaven we live in the realm of God's rule.
We believe that we entered His Kingdom by faith in Jesus and as citizens, we are a holy nation, a peculiar people as in: 1 Peter 2:9
We are ambassadors living in obedience to the simple teachings of Jesus
(The Kingdom System).
We believe that we have a shared creative role with God to restore, renew, and recover the broken
world’s system.
We are Carriers Of The Kingdom, the living proof here on earth that
Jesus is Lord.
Forever, O LORD,
thy word is
settled in Heaven.
Psalm 119:89