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Shifting From Glory to Glory: A Divine Kickoff to 2025

Our first Sunday service of the year (January 5) was a total game-changer and the perfect way to kick off 2025! The vibe was unmatched—everyone showed up on one accord, hearts open, and minds ready to soak up all the insight and wisdom coming our way. The presence of the Lord was felt heavily throughout the church. 

Pastor LJ Miles launched the service with a prophetic prayer that was nothing short of phenomenal. It wasn’t just a prayer; it was a whole breaking moment that welcomed healing, restoration, and the very voice of the Lord into the room. Every God-breathed  word was loaded with power, the atmosphere was charged, and the spirit in the room? Absolutely next-level. You could feel God moving through the church, shifting the atmosphere, and shifting every heart and mind to focus intently on our spiritual abilities and power. Breakthrough was evident as the fire of the Holy Spirit swept across the church! We were ushered into another dimension of glory expectant and willing to receive more.

Without interruption, Pastor WG Miles stepped up and kept that energy flowing. He came through with purpose, eager to pour into the congregation. His sermon wasn’t just words, it was everything we needed. He was spoke directly into the hearts of everyone in the room, breaking down the Word of God in such a way that hit home and leaving me and I’m sure everyone else uplifted and motivated. I felt like I could face any challenge to come bold, confident, sure, and strong! Pastor WG dove deep in on making sure we understand the necessity of prayer and aligning with God and keeping our eyes on His word as we rise as sons and daughters of the Most High God with a responsibility to express Him to the world on a greater level all while we experience His greatness both on the outside and on the inside. There is a merging of time that has taken place and we have to stay ready when it’s time to make each shift from glory to glory! 

The whole service was a vibe, seamless, intentional, and full of God’s presence and power. It wasn’t just church; it was a divine experience that has set the tone for the entire year ahead. We are definitely shifting from glory to glory. 

Written By Zairis T. Miles


KOHCI Spinning Globe

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406 Hope Mills Road
Fayetteville NC 28304


1st & 3rd Sundays
10:30 AM EST

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Application Study:
Tuesdays Biweekly 
7:00 PM EST


5th Sundays
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