It is crucial that the Believer:
Continue to focus on the Word and rely on the promises of God FIRST
Return back to the basics and the foundation of faith=Scripturally sound=sober of mind
Become lovers of the Word of God-welcome it
Get on board with the Holy Spirit
Let the Holy Spirit shape the narrative of your life and focus less on the cares of the world
Intensify your prayer life-be intentional-pray in tongues more
Know and prioritize God’s plan for your life
Finish strong-do not be slothful or procrastinate
Do not settle, substitute or accept standards that go against the Word of God
Be the Living Proof that Jesus is real
Be mindful of how you respond during times of preparation-it will determine your next move (beliefs, attitude, focus, consistency)
Testify of Jesus’ greatness and change lives
Do not operate out of God’s order or timing unprepared or in old wineskin
Change the way you think –Seek God’s way of doing things first-SET YOUR MIND AND KEEP IT SET!
Expect there to be a “surge” of souls coming into the Kingdom (the reality) =a generation
Become mature in relationships
Study and mature in the area sowing and reaping God’s way
Let peace rule over your life as an umpire-calling all the shots
Be consistent with self-care, self-maintenance and preparation
Continue to be alert of the necessity of emergency preparedness (water, nonperishable items, food, medications)
on this knowledge as a SUPERSTRUCTURE!- Rely on this reality to hold you up
and to carry you into the new year, this AGE of Kingdom, into this NEW
DIMENSION of your life in Christ as you.....
Transform the world and manifest the Kingdom!

Pastors WG & LJ Miles
(The Kingdom of Heaven Church International)
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